Reminders to myself during Covid 19 times


We live in strange times. This is the first global pandemic of our lifetimes and national emergency was just declared. Schools are closing, streets are quiet, empty aisles are common in grocery stores, event cancellations are becoming a norm, work from home with social distancing feels like a new rule.

Everything feels different. 

Some thoughts just came to my mind around the unique opportunities these bizarre times provide. Here are things I want to remind myself of: 

  1. Practice gratitude. I remember reading a quote a long time ago that said, “Gratitude turns what we have into enough”. I do want to remind myself that I want to be forever thankful for all the good health and good times I experience with colleagues, friends, and family. As Disney shuts its park, I was thinking of some of the best memories with my daughter were at Disney. So, thank you, Disney!

  2. Embrace family time. As we work from home, this is our chance to spend more time with our children, spouses, partners, and family. My second reminder to myself is to enjoy this time with family and make the most of it. Creating sweet memories with my children is something I will cherish for life. I am going to call my parents more and have non-rushed conversations.

  3. Stay calm and practice compassion. Media plays an important role in keeping us informed but thrives on sensationalism and scare tactics. With this lack of clarity all around, my third reminder to myself is to practice calm, concern, and compassion. Not everyone who coughs or sniffles has Coronavirus. Not every message needs to be forwarded. We are all in this together. 

  4. Gain clarity. While I may binge on one or two favorite shows on Netflix, my final reminder to myself is to see this as an opportunity to gain more mental clarity by taking back charge of my time. Journaling, long-term planning, meditation, and big picture thinking are some of the ways I will put this time to use. 

To end, I recollect the quote from Stoic Philosopher Marcus Aurelius, “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment”

Gunjan DoshiPersonal